HART makes the news in the Crozet Gazette

HART makes the news in the Crozet Gazette

Partner for Mental Health’s partnership with Albemarle County, HART (Human Alternative Response Team), has made the news again. “Why Crozet? Is a long-running feature that examines the many reasons why long-time area residents and newcomers love Crozet and...
HART made local newsradio WINA 98.9FM!

HART made local newsradio WINA 98.9FM!

“The Human Services Alternative Response Team is having an impact in our community by serving those with behavioral and mental health challenges. Details on their impact are in the 2023 ACPD Annual Report.” Check out the radio show recording...
Suicide Prevention Month Series

Suicide Prevention Month Series

As part of September’s Suicide Prevention Month, we shared some great ways on our social media that we, as community members, can help both ourselves and loved ones.  Practicing mindfulness can help calm intrusive thoughts.  Mindfullness can look like stepping...