Developing Solutions with Long-Lasting Impact

Individualized Support
We believe that, in the absence of things like stable housing, genuine community inclusion, meaningful social support, employment, or adequate income, even the best clinical care is unlikely to facilitate lasting benefits alone.
Through contracted programs for Charlottesville City and Albemarle County, our navigators are able to meet individuals where they are at in their recovery and assist with access to care and community resources.
Statewide Advocacy
On the state level, we have the honor of consulting with elected officials and state agencies to help define and adopt policies designed to create big improvements in mental health outcomes across Virginia. Some of this work includes:
• Criminal justice reform for people with serious mental illness, including advocating for the prohibition of the death penalty and the right to introduce evidence about mental illness as it pertains to alleged offenses
• Virginia Behavioral Health Service System Redesign Project
• Creation of minimum mental health care standards in jails and prisons
• Supporting the use of Medicaid funding to address social determinants of health
• The provision of alternative transportation (other than police transport) for individuals under Temporary Detention Orders
Community Commitment
Additionally, as part of our commitment to increasing the community’s ability to be a place where people with mental illness can live self-directed lives, we engage with the faith community, social groups, schools, and local employers on educational endeavors designed to support community members with mental illness and improve practices and policies that increase inclusivity.